End User Licence Agreement

1. General Terms and Conditions of appscore

Thank you for choosing appscore. By using appscoreᴬᴵ including its associated features, services, and other third-party software which accompanies it (hereinafter referred to as “appscore”), you affirm your consent to the following General Terms and Conditions and the applicable Privacy Policy. You can accept these Terms and Conditions by clicking the “Next” button as part of this software’s run time (hereinafter referred to as run time).

1.1 Brief Description of appscore’s Functions

appscoreᴬᴵis an assistant, which is not permanently run on your machine, but instead run both before, during and after an actual setup process. Main purpose is to monitor which changes an app makes to your system, alerts you about them and directly offers to start the process of reverting such changes. If a software bundler adds potentially unwanted software to your machine, you can directly remove such software. It facilitates and unifies the execution, extraction, and placing of third-party software, e.g. via an integrated extracting utility. Likewise, appscoreᴬᴵmay consult the Windows software list and recommend other software you might appreciate that is compatible with your PC. (Note to IT specialists: the software list is sent from your PC in hashed form. In order to exclude recommendations for software already present on your computer, we can recognize the corresponding hash so that a single reconciliation can take place. A high level of data protection, which we at appscoreᴬᴵhighly value, is thus guaranteed at all times.)

1.2 Function of appscore

appscoreᴬᴵ is a user-defined application that allows you to access variable software content or software setup by clicking. This application is regarded as user-defined because it can remove or add different third-party software, as well as cache and run said software if necessary. The user can freely select, and thereby choose, the third-party software to remove or add. (1) Software from third-party supplier(s), or the setup(s) which correspond to the third-party supplier’s software selected by the user is also run during appscore’s run time or launched by appscore. appscoreᴬᴵmay also: (2) extract setup-free third-party software provided in a compressed folder (e.g. “ZIP”) into a destination folder and, provided that the third-party supplier has thus specified (e.g. as a main application), launch an extracted file; and (3) offer the user additional third-party software which, after an assessment using software logic, might be suitable for the user to add with subsequent implementation if necessary.

appscoreᴬᴵalso helps standardize all different setup processes as it offers a familiar environment for removing or adding third-party software. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, you consent to this procedure; it is a requirement for the program to continue. If you do not accept these General Terms and Conditions, you can click “Cancel Setup” or the corresponding relevant button.

No personal information is required to be able to use appscoreᴬᴵand it does not include any spyware within the scope of appscore’s control. However, this scope does not extend to the aforementioned varying third-party software from the freely interchangeable third-party supplier(s). appscoreᴬᴵis merely a software management assistant (see above) for controlling, removing or adding third-party software. appscoreᴬᴵand appscoreᴬᴵare not associated with this third-party software and have no effect on its content. appscoreᴬᴵtakes no responsibility or liability for any third-party programs removed, controlled, added or run using appscore, although appscoreᴬᴵcooperates with AppEsteem’s certification service in order to make sure no harmful applications are distributed. These General Terms and Conditions are restricted to the software featured by appscore, that is, only to appscore. Any terms and conditions applying to the third-party software being run/launched are displayed, if deemed necessary by the third-party supplier, during the run time in a separate (setup) procedure or made available elsewhere at the third-party supplier’s responsibility. Additionally, appscoreᴬᴵis bound by Privacy Policy. This can be found under section 2.1f.

1.3 For Private Use Only

appscoreᴬᴵis for private use only. This means that appscoreᴬᴵand its functions which it immediately initiates can be used for private use both at home and at the workplace. However, you must first seek appscore’ permission if you wish to commercially use, sell, alter, or copy anything from appscoreᴬᴵor from any additional information, services, or software that are affiliated with or derived from the software or added updates created by appscoreᴬᴵrather than by the third-party supplier.

You are not authorized to modify or copy appscore’s underlying software, nor to publish or use it in another form. You are not authorized to use appscoreᴬᴵin any way that could damage, overload or impair the services offered.

The software finally launched by appscore, which in most cases concerns a single setup, remains unaffected by these Conditions because separate General Terms and Conditions for this latest software may need to be accepted.

You are authorized to produce copies of appscoreᴬᴵand distribute them within the company or organization for which you work provided that each user who is given a copy of the software updates has had the opportunity to read and accept the General Terms and Conditions. If users within your company have not had the opportunity to be informed of and consent to these General Terms and Conditions in advance, you remain authorized to distribute the software updates as long as you are authorized to represent your company legally by consenting to the General Terms and Conditions. If you do not authorize as a legal representative and the respective recipient does not have an opportunity to agree to these General Terms and Conditions, you are requested not to distribute these software updates.

If you have any queries regarding selling appscore, please contact our customer service by e-mail at: getintouch@appscore.ai.

If you have any comments or ideas to improve appscore, please get in touch with our customer support; the best way to contact us is at getintouch@appscore.ai. Please note that in doing so, you are granting appscoreᴬᴵ(and third-party suppliers) permission to use your ideas or comments in appscoreᴬᴵ(or third-party software) without receiving compensatory payment.

1.4 Right to Intellectual Property

You acknowledge that appscoreᴬᴵand/or third-party partners own all current and future rights to the intellectual property (industrial property rights), title and other property rights of appscore, the underlying software or parts hereof. “Rights to intellectual property” (industrial property rights) include all rights which are guaranteed both now and in the future by patent law, copyright law, trademark law, law against unfair competition, or any other property rights. You agree to not modify, adapt, translate, decompile, or create derived products from appscore’s source code or the software updates arisen as the result of its use. You also agree not to remove, conceal or modify any copyright notices, brand names, or other protected rights belonging to appscoreᴬᴵor its partners that are embedded in, contained in, or available in connection with appscoreᴬᴵor updates arising from its use.

1.5 Caveat Emptor

We ask that you understand that appscoreᴬᴵcannot provide a guarantee for either the free appscoreᴬᴵsoftware or the underlying software. In particular appscoreᴬᴵmakes no guarantee as to the reliable, uninterrupted, or error-free operation of appscoreᴬᴵor any software updates added during use, its eligibility for certain purposes, or non-infringement of third-party rights. Thus appscoreᴬᴵrejects all claims to a guarantee to the extent permitted by the law. appscoreᴬᴵand other third-party suppliers associated with or supplying your software with software updates make no guarantee as to the safety, reliability, topicality, or performance of the software modifications and third-party software.

You understand and accept that appscoreᴬᴵand all third-party software are removed, monitored or added and/or used at your own risk and that only you are responsible for any damage to your computer system or data loss which may occur through the addition/removal or use of the software changes and partner software.

You understand and note that software, especially software such as this, which isolates, deletes or removes other software products, can affect the functionality of software updates. You also note that this may impair the software underlying appscoreᴬᴵand the incorporated removal utility.

1.6 Liability

To the extent permitted by the law, appscoreᴬᴵis only liable for intent and acts of gross negligence. Any liability, no matter its nature, is restricted to foreseeable damages. appscoreᴬᴵis not liable for damages that are unforeseeable, nonstandard for the contract, or indirect, especially for financial loss, even if liability should be given irrespective of the preceding regulations. appscoreᴬᴵis especially not liable for damages due to the use of unsuitable hardware or software, due to other operators’ communication networks malfunctioning, or due to a computer or system error for the user, internet provider, or online service. A statutory liability according to the product liability law remains unaffected.

1.7 Final Clause

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany also apply. Only these General Terms and Conditions shall be definitive. Changes, supplements and waivers in the written form can only be appointed in writing. Verbal agreements shall not be made. The potential ineffectiveness of a provision shall not otherwise affect the effectiveness of the contract. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision with corresponding effect that comes closest to the economic purpose of the intended regulation.

Updated: February 26, 2022. The user shall check these General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy periodically for potential modifications.privacy_policy_inline